Incorporated on 2 February 1993, ISL provides the services of independent insurance practitioners as Consultants or Expert Witnesses to government entities, insurance companies and lawyers.
ISL and its Associates have completed assignments both in the UK and overseas. These have ranged from assisting a Lloyd's Managing Agent with claims procedures, streamlining a Lloyd's broker's processing systems and auditing financial institutions on behalf of Underwriters to strategic issues in starting up a new operation in Europe. ISL has provided Interim Management for Compliance and Financial Control functions. ISL offers a unique combination of breadth and depth in its insurance experience, through the extensive practical knowledge of its team of Associates, who are:
DENNIS A BENTLEY has spent over 35 years in Reinsurance on both sides of the Atlantic, including positions with a Reinsurance company, a major Lloyd's Broker in London and as President of a reinsurance intermediary group based out of New York. For the past 10 years he has performed consulting services which address contract interpretation, claims administration, technical reinsurance accounting and statististical analysis. Dennis is a member of B.I.L.A. in London and ARIAS US and the Reinsurance Consultants Network in New York. He carries out both insurance and reinsurance investigative assignments, provides Expert Witness testimony and performs as arbitrator/umpire. Additionally, he conducts Coverholder reviews of M.G.A.s for London-based Companies and/or Syndicates.
CHARLES J CATT has spent over 35 years in the London Market involved in the underwriting of Reinsurance worldwide. His career with the Commercial Union Group and its subsidiary, British & European, led to Assistant General Manager of NWRe before joining NAC RE International Ltd. as Managing Director. A Board member of the International Underwriting Association of London, he is past Chairman of its Technical Underwriting Executive Committee (on which he still serves). Charles is also a Freeman of the City and a liveryman of the Worshipful Company of Insurers. Having chaired various Market claims committees, he provides consultancy on underwriting and claims issues as well as offering Training. He is a member of ARIAS ( UK ) and the British Insurance Law Association and acts as an Expert Witness and Arbitrator.
RICHARD ELLIOTT BA FCII has more than 30 years' experience in Reinsurance. He worked for the Mercantile & General Reinsurance Company plc for 24 years and became Manager, General Division with underwriting responsibility for the Marine and Aviation Department and then the Overseas Department. His career then took him to Alexander Howden Reinsurance Brokers Ltd, including 2 years in Mexico City, before joining a Lloyd's underwriting agency and becoming one of the founder members of Lloyd's Latin America Study Group. He has travelled extensively, especially in Spain and Latin America. He offers consultancy in underwriting and claims review and also acts as a translator, trainer and Expert Witness. He speaks fluent Spanish and French.
NEIL EMERY FCII is Managing Director of Asia Risk Technologies (HK) Ltd, part of the ART Group, a claims management/run-off, BPO and TPA specialist. He has nearly 40 years experience in the industry of which 27 were spent with the Prudential in the London market, as well as in management overseas ( Jamaica, Dubai, Hong Kong and Ireland). When Prudential withdrew from the narket, Neil joined their run-off group before taking up a regional and technical management position with AGF Asia in Singapore. He was later appointed Managing Director to merge and run the combined operations of AGF and Allianz in Singapore. As an independent consultant from 2003 to 2005, Neil used his considerable practical knowledge to carry out assignments in Azerbaijan, Hong Kong, Russia, Singapore and Thailand. Neil is an accredited consultant to the European Union.
BARRY HAMMOND ACII is an experienced broking General Manager who has spent 35 years in general insurance both in the UK and Australia. For the past 25 years Barry has been involved with problem-solving and directing businesses to profitable futures. He has managed offices for Hoggs, Willis and Sedgwicks and was Managing Director of E.J. Welton & Co Ltd., Willis's self-contained Lloyd's Broker, for 7 years. He has a keen awareness of the needs of independent brokers coupled with the knowledge of the disciplines adopted by larger organisations. A member of BIBA, BILA, IBRC and Chartered Insurance Practitioner, he advises on Risk Management.
PETER TAYLOR has designed major Catastrophe Programmes for Government and Private Sector clients on behalf of Bowrings, Clarksons and Greig Fester throughout Latin America and in Japan. As an Underwriter, he established a Far East regional office and served on the Committee of the Singapore Reinsurers' Association. Additionally, he has had a career in banking with Barings, Singer & Friedlander and European-Brazilian Bank. This involved Syndications ( ECGD and Eurodollar ) before overseeing operational activities as Company Secretary with responsibilty for Administration. He is a member of the British Insurance Law Association, several Latin American Societies, Lombard Association and a Freeman of the City of London. Peter serves on the International Committee of The Insurance Institute of London and speaks Spanish and Portuguese, with an understanding of French.
PATRICK J R WEBB FCA, SIAff is a Chartered Accountant with extensive managerial experience in the Investment and Insurance industries. He has worked at firms associated with Ernst & Young, KPMG, Touche Remnant and James Capel. A Member of Lloyd's since 1985, he was Finance Director of a Lloyd's Managing Agent. and is currently involved in promoting / advising Private Capital for Lloyd's. Patrick's financial, investment and IT skills include an innovative approach to problem solving.
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Peter Taylor
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