Over the past 50 years Guernsey has established itself as a premier international finance centre, providing an extensive range of services to a global client base, increasingly including Russia.
Guernsey’s leading finance professionals have come together specifically to develop further interest from Russia in the Island’s offering:
- Banking – The 40 licensed banks in Guernsey hold £115bn worth of deposits
- Insurance – Guernsey is the largest European captive insurance domicile and number four globally
- Funds – The value of funds under management and administration is more than £240bn
- Innovation – World renowned investment structures for alternative asset classes beyond just private equity and property but also vintage cars, fine wine, timber and aircraft
- Investment management – Gross assets under management totalling £70bn
- Fiduciary services – 150 providers with more than £300bn worth of assets in trusts and companies
- The Channel Islands Stock Exchange (CISX), recognised in both London and New York
- A comprehensive infrastructure of lawyers, accountants, tax advisers and actuaries
Guernsey’s regulation has been commended by the IMF, the Island was within the first wave of territories placed on the OECD/G20 ‘white list’ and its continued commitment to standards of tax transparency and exchange of information has been endorsed by the OECD Global Forum.
Street / Улица: PO Box 655, North Plantation, St Peter Port
City / Город: Guernsey
Postcode / Индекс: GY1 3PN
Country / Страна: United Kingdom
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Phone: +44 1481 720071
Fax: +44 1481 720091
Contact Person / Контактное лицо: Peter Niven
Title: Mr
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